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The Naughtiest Girl Helps A Friend 6


By Anne Digby (Author)   By  Hodder And Stoughton Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2005
ISBN :9780340910948
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/145/7/125
Pages :114
Publisher :Hodder And Stoughton Limited


"The Naughtiest Girl Helps A Friend" is the sixth book in the popular children's series written by Anne Digby. In this installment, readers follow the mischievous and spirited Elizabeth Allen, also known as the Naughtiest Girl, as she embarks on a new adventure filled with friendship, loyalty, and valuable life lessons. The plot revolves around Elizabeth's determination to help her friend, Joan, who is struggling with her studies at Whyteleafe School. Elizabeth's compassionate nature leads her to devise a plan to assist Joan in improving her grades and gaining the respect of their classmates. Along the way, Elizabeth learns the importance of empathy, teamwork, and the true value of friendship. One of the standout features of this book is the relatable and endearing characters. Elizabeth's rebellious yet kind-hearted personality makes her a captivating protagonist, while Joan's vulnerability and determination make her a character that readers will root for. The book also explores themes of personal growth, resilience, and the power of forgiveness. Anne Digby's writing style is enga...


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