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Gmat Review 12e

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2010
ISBN :9780470744512
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/114/8/95
Pages :839
Publisher :Wiley India Pvt Ltd


"GMAT Review 12th Edition" by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is a comprehensive study guide designed to help prospective business school students prepare for the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). This book covers all sections of the exam, including quantitative, verbal, and analytical writing, and provides practice questions and explanations to help test-takers improve their scores. The main themes of this book revolve around helping students understand the format of the GMAT, practice key skills needed for success on the exam, and develop effective strategies for approaching different types of questions. The book also offers tips and tricks for maximizing study time and managing test anxiety. Key features of "GMAT Review 12th Edition" include access to online resources, such as additional practice questions and video tutorials, as well as a detailed overview of the exam structure and scoring system. The book is known for its clear explanations and helpful strategies that can benefit test-takers at all skill levels. According to positive reviews, "GMAT R...


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