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The Siege The Attack On The Taj


By Adrian Levy (Author)   By  Penguin Random House India  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2013
ISBN :9780143420101
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/184/2/219
Pages :318
Publisher :Penguin Random House India


"The Siege: The Attack on the Taj" by Adrian Levy is a gripping and harrowing account of the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, particularly focusing on the siege of the iconic Taj Mahal Palace Hotel. Through meticulous research and firsthand interviews, Levy reconstructs the events of that fateful night, detailing the actions of the terrorists, the responses of the hotel staff and guests, and the efforts of the security forces to bring the situation under control. The book delves into the motivations of the attackers, the vulnerabilities in the security system, and the heroism and resilience of those caught up in the chaos. Levy also explores the political and social implications of the attacks, shedding light on the larger issues of terrorism, extremism, and global security. With its riveting narrative and in-depth analysis, "The Siege" offers a comprehensive and insightful look at one of the most devastating terrorist attacks in recent history. It is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of modern terrorism and the human cost of such atrocitie...


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