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The Magic Drum And Other Favourite Stories


By Sudha Murthy (Author)   By  Puffin Books  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2015
ISBN :9780143333630
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/150/4/660
Pages :200
Publisher :Puffin Books


"The Magic Drum And Other Favourite Stories" by Sudha Murthy is a collection of heartwarming tales that are sure to captivate readers of all ages. From magical drums to mischievous monkeys, each story is filled with moral lessons and valuable insights. In this book, readers will encounter a variety of characters facing different challenges and dilemmas, all of which are resolved through kindness, courage, and wisdom. The stories touch upon themes such as friendship, honesty, and the importance of helping others. One of the standout features of this book is Murthy's ability to weave traditional Indian folklore with contemporary issues, creating a unique and rich tapestry of storytelling. Her writing is simple yet profound, making it accessible to readers of all backgrounds. Praise for the book includes reviews that commend Murthy's storytelling prowess and her ability to connect with readers on a deep emotional level. Critics have lauded the book for its universal themes and timeless appeal. Overall, "The Magic Drum And Other Favourite Stories" is a delightful collection that will...


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