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The Trail History And Civics For Icse Middle School Class 8


By Jayanti Sengupta (Author)   By  Oxford University Press  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2020
ISBN :9780190121501
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/79/5/564
Pages :216
Publisher :Oxford University Press


"The Trail History And Civics For Icse Middle School Class 8" by Jayanti Sengupta is a comprehensive textbook designed specifically for students in Class 8 studying under the ICSE curriculum. This book covers a wide range of historical events, figures, and concepts, as well as key principles of civics, providing students with a solid foundation in these subjects. The book delves into various historical periods, from ancient civilizations to modern times, exploring how societies have evolved over time and the impact of key events on the world we live in today. Through engaging narratives and thought-provoking exercises, students are encouraged to critically analyze historical events and understand the importance of civic responsibilities in a democratic society. Key features of this book include clear and concise explanations, colorful illustrations, and interactive activities that help students grasp complex concepts in an engaging manner. The book also includes practice questions and revision exercises to help students prepare for exams and assess their understanding of the materi...


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