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True Blue In English


By David Baldacci (Author)   By  Pan Macmillan  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2010
ISBN :9780330518048
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/46/5/445
Pages :656
Publisher :Pan Macmillan


True Blue, David Baldacci's fast-paced stand-alone thriller, is an action-packed race against time as an ex-cop fights to prove her innocence.Mason "Mace" Perry was a maverick cop on the D.C. police force until she was kidnapped and framed for a crime. She lost everything-her career, her liberty-and spent two years in prison. Now back on the outside, Mace is trying to rebuild her life and track down the people who set her up. But even with her police chief sister at her side, she has to work in the shadows: there's a vindictive US attorney on her tail and she's just looking for a reason to send her back behind bars . . . Roy Kingman is a young lawyer, still getting used to his high-paid job at a law firm in Washington. When Roy discovers the dead body of a female partner at the firm, his fate becomes entangled with Mace's, as the two team up to investigate. But as their enquiries gather pace, Roy and Mace soon find themselves in unexpected territory; drawn into both the private and public world of the nation's capital, as dark secrets begin to emerge....


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