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Value Engineering Concepts Techniques And Applications

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2003
ISBN :9780761997887
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/161/2/284
Pages :270
Publisher :Sage Publications India Private Limited


Value engineering is a systematic and organized procedural decision-making process, which is designed to ensure the maximum value for the client or the end consumer. At a time when success in business is critically dependent on the value attached to a product, this concept provides any enterprise with a result-driven framework for delivering better products and services at the lowest possible cost.

This book is a comprehensive and in-depth exposition of the basic concepts, techniques and applications of value engineering. Simple and jargon-free, it is divided into three parts.

The first part:

- Deals with the basic conceptual framework of value engineering and its key parameters. The author highlights its relevance in the Indian scenario.

The second part:

- Examines both general and special techniques specifically developed and applied to value engineering.

The final part:

- Critically discusses the application of the techniques discussed in the second part; and

- Is peppered with short cases.

The d...


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