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Wind Chimes Coursebook 4


By Alka Batra (Author)   By  Madhubun Educational Books  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2019
ISBN :9789352719785
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/132/6/283
Pages :152
Publisher :Madhubun Educational Books


Wind Chimes Coursebook 4 by Alka Batra is a captivating and engaging textbook designed for students learning English as a second language. The book follows a group of young learners as they navigate various language skills and concepts, including grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing. One of the standout features of Wind Chimes Coursebook 4 is its interactive approach to language learning, with activities and exercises that encourage students to actively engage with the material. The book also includes beautiful illustrations that help bring the content to life and make learning English fun and engaging. Positive reviews of Wind Chimes Coursebook 4 praise its comprehensive coverage of English language skills, as well as its user-friendly layout and engaging content. Reviewers have noted that the book is a valuable resource for both students and teachers alike, making it a must-have for anyone looking to improve their English proficiency. Overall, Wind Chimes Coursebook 4 is a unique and effective tool for English language learners, offering a comprehensive and engaging approac...


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