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What To Expect The First Year Second Edition


By Murkoff Eisenber (Author)   By  Simon And Schuster Llc  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2003
ISBN :9780743461566
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/95/2/480
Pages :806
Publisher :Simon And Schuster LLC


What To Expect The First Year by Murkoff Eisenberg is a comprehensive guide for new parents, offering practical advice and guidance on all aspects of caring for a newborn. The book covers a range of topics, from feeding and sleeping to developmental milestones and common health concerns. With its reassuring tone and wealth of information, What To Expect The First Year is an invaluable resource for any new parent. The book is organized into chapters that cover each month of a baby's first year, providing parents with a clear understanding of what to expect at each stage of their child's development. Throughout the book, the authors offer tips and advice on how to handle common challenges, such as colic, teething, and sleep regression. One of the standout features of the book is its emphasis on the importance of self-care for new parents. The authors recognize that caring for a newborn can be overwhelming, and they provide practical advice on how to prioritize self-care in order to avoid burnout. What To Expect The First Year has received numerous positive reviews from reputable sou...


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