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Chota Sa Mota Sa Lota


By Subir Shukla (Author)   By  National Book Trust India  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2014
ISBN :9788123731667
Language :Hindi
Rack No. :KOL/130/5/287
Pages :12
Publisher :National Book Trust India


"Chota Sa Mota Sa Lota" by Subir Shukla is a heartwarming children's book that follows the adventures of a young boy named Chintu and his magical water pot, Lota. Chintu discovers that Lota has the ability to grant wishes, leading to a series of fun and imaginative escapades as he navigates the ups and downs of childhood. The book explores themes of friendship, kindness, and the power of imagination, making it a perfect read for young readers looking for a charming and uplifting story. With its engaging narrative and lovable characters, "Chota Sa Mota Sa Lota" is sure to capture the hearts of both children and adults alike. Featuring delightful illustrations and a unique storytelling style, this book stands out as a must-read for anyone seeking a dose of whimsy and wonder. As one reviewer raved, "Subir Shukla's 'Chota Sa Mota Sa Lota' is a delightful tale that will enchant readers of all ages with its magic and charm." Set in a vibrant and enchanting world, "Chota Sa Mota Sa Lota" is a timeless story that celebrates the power of dreams and the joy of friendship. With its vivid des...


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