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Understanding Poiters In C


By Yashavant Kanetkar (Author)   By  Bpb  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 1997
ISBN :8170298911
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/438/3/39
Pages :311
Publisher :BPB


Understanding Pointers in C 2E by Yashavant Kanetkar is a comprehensive guide to the often-confusing topic of pointers in the C programming language. This book is designed to help readers understand the fundamentals of pointers, as well as more advanced topics like pointer arithmetic, arrays and pointers, and dynamic memory allocation. The main theme of this book is to provide readers with a solid understanding of pointers, which are one of the most powerful and flexible features of the C language. The author uses clear and concise language to explain complex concepts, making this book accessible to both beginner and advanced programmers. One standout feature of this book is its practical approach to learning. The author includes numerous examples and exercises throughout the text, allowing readers to apply what they've learned in real-world situations. Additionally, the book includes a helpful reference section that provides quick access to key concepts and syntax. Understanding Pointers in C 2E has received high praise from readers and industry experts alike. According to one...


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